Why aren’t you building your email list?
Yes, we’re talking to you. You have a shiny website, plenty of visitors, but sales aren’t increasing. Fear not! While not all heroes wear capes, we happen to be the digital marketing nerds that have a few in the closet for special occasions (dibs on Batman). No sales cycle is the same, and your potential customers may do research before committing to a decision. This is where outside marketing efforts (non-website) can be the gamechanger. According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing can increase revenue up to 3,800%. If done properly, building your email list and can be your most effective outside marketing tactic to increase sales.
Wait! Before you go…
Every single visitor to your website represents possible dollar signs. But what do you do if they leave without contacting you? Wave goodbye? Cry quietly (we won’t judge)? There are now tools at your disposal that help collect emails to reach those potential customers that left your site without taking any action. Think of acquiring emails from your visitors as a transaction: they give you personal information in exchange for something of value. Often times, this comes in the form of a giveaway, discount or contest. You can also use your email list to share your blog and offer helpful information for buying decisions.
You’ve got an audience. Now what?
Email marketing is the most direct form of communication for most businesses. You have an opportunity to approach your audience on their “digital doorstep”. Not only do you reach them on their computers, but also on mobile as well. According to Pew Research Center, 88% of smartphone users actively check email on their phones. Think people don’t enjoy receiving promotional emails? Think again. According to Marketing Sherpa, 61% of consumers enjoy receiving weekly promotional email communication. Here are a few ways to utilize your email list:
- Discounts and offers
- Cross-promoting your other products/services
- Contests
- Blog content
- Company updates and news
- Industry trends and popular topics
- Segment your list based on purchase behavior or demographic
You provide your industry expertise, we’ll provide the Blue Laser strategy. Head over to our contact page to schedule a free Discovery Meeting to get started.
Did it work?
No email marketing strategy is complete without good ole fashioned analytics (cue the nerd emoji). Measuring ROI can be simple if you have the right tools in place, and the ROI for email marketing can be massive. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38. Here are key metrics for measuring performance:
- Open rate
- Click rate
- Industry average open & click rate
- Website engagement
- Conversion rate (website)
Continually tweaking your strategy based on your key metrics will help drive campaign efficiency. The more you learn, the more your business grows.
Whether you are just starting with email marketing or have a booming e-commerce business, getting your strategy right can take your business to the next level. Contact us for a free discovery.
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