Element Body Jewelry Case Study
About the project
The owners of Element Body Jewelry were in the process of creating a business-to-business agency to deliver high-quality, custom-made jewelry in high volumes. They were searching for a sustainable digital solution to meet client expectations and one that would enable them to work directly with their clients.
The Challenge
This new entity lacked nearly everything outside of the reputation its parent company had built in years prior. It needed a brand identity, made almost entirely from scratch, that really reflected the new agency and expressed the clients’ laid back, creative personalities. Their goal was to be viewed as a leader in the industry, highly regarded among clients without seeming stuffy or elitist. The client provided the Blue Laser Digital team with a pencil sketch concept of a logo, which provided direction as well as set the stage for a truly original partnership.
Creative Direction, Brand Identity, Logo Design, Website Design, eCommerce, Photo Retouching, Copywriting, User Experience, Interactive Design, Web Development, Package Design, SEO
When Blue Laser revealed our new brand identity, we were ecstatic and showed the new logo designs to employees and clients. The response was a resounding ‘WOW!’.
Element Body Jewelry CEO Raymond Austin
The Answer
Blue Laser’s team is comprised of client-focused individuals, and every client is different. In some cases, clients’ visions are fluid and open to suggestions. In this case, Blue Laser’s professionals knew that the owners of Element Body Jewelry were confident in their vision and knew what they wanted; they just didn’t have the bandwidth to execute it. Thus, Blue Laser took the pencil sketch and translated it directly into a digital design, building Element Body Jewelry’s entire look o that.
However, Blue Laser’s team also knew that, because of this client’s penchant for pushing the envelope, we could, too. We crafted something radical, interesting, and stunning. But we didn’t stop there; we pushed the new site design to be something extreme and over-the-top. Something edgy and unexpected.
The client had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to our radical design efforts, so we made the choice to build out the entire brand identity, using that extreme logo as a foundation and guide. Each piece of the final Element Body Jewelry look was carefully selected, from the imagery and textures to the language used in branding.
User Experience Designs
Visual Designs
Upon seeing the depths to which the Blue Laser team took the design, the client was ecstatic. In fact, the client reported back to say this extreme and completely original design was just the reason we were the agency they chose.
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(614) 453-5702
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(614) 453-5702
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(614) 453-5702